Into The Ocean

"I want to swim away but don't know how.  Sometimes it feels just like I'm fallin' in the ocean.  Let the waves up and take me down.  Let the hurricane set in motion, yeah."

Blue October is the most bipolar band I have, but they are really fantastic.  And though I enjoy The Beach Boys, they really are not able to capture the depth of emotions a person can feel while sitting on the sand, attempting to soak in something as overwhelming as Pfeiffer Beach.  This beach, two miles down an unmarked, one lane and pothole filled road, was my absolute favorite part of our entire trip.  The beach had streaks of purple from the minerals in the rocks, and I have never experienced anything like it.  I took so many pictures, and I do not even care how many I am posting!

I love how the water changes to look of the sand!

Oh, look, more rocks!

This is one of my favorite pictures from our trip.

That's John about to get pummeled by a wave.

Every time the tide came in, it changed the shapes in the sand.

Here is an awesome example of the mineral filled rocks that take credit for the purple sand.

I thought this was cool because it shows the individual grains of sand and their many different colors.

We weren't at the beach at ideal picture taking time, light wise, but I didn't even care.  I originally thought we would only be here for an hour, two tops, while we ate our blueberry muffins and local coffee that we found at an adorable artist shop in Big Sur.  But, we stayed all day, just soaking it in.

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